Tuesday, April 15, 2008

New buble in the making - Alternative Energy.. catch it!!

I found an interesting article in Harper's Magazine featured an article by Eric Janszen. The gist of the article is beautifully sumarized by the chart below where Janszen plotted the (actual and predicted) trajectories of the bubbles of past, present and future, namely the tech bubble, the housing bubble and the coming bubble in alternative energy and infrastructure.

  • Author described variuos stages of bubble beautifully namely: normal, formation, hyperinflation, dissipation and overshoot.
  • Current housing bubble - forecasted to reach the overshoot stage in 2011-12.
  • Next bubble - alternative energy is currently in the formation stage and bound to reach its hyperinflation stage in 2011-2013.
Read full article, its a must-read: http://www.harpers.org/archive/2008/02/0081908

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